Saturday, May 16, 2009

My baby took his 1st steps!

YAY!!! On tues. night he took 1 step to me and then lastnight he took 4!!! He will be walking before I know it. He is all better today. No fever yesterday or today, so that's good. I am still fighting this nasty cold bug. It is more of a bad cough then a cold. But i will survive.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

MY crazy life right now!

So I have bee sick now for a week and a half with this horrible cold and I feel so yucky! JT has it a little, but not bad, Christian came down with a fever yesterday of 102.1, but is better after Motrin is pumped into him and Tom....... is being missed. We are ALL hoping to being feeling better real soon. I want to go outside and enjoy the sunshine.

On another note, JT watched a video of his cousin Zoey dancing to some music and just had to do it himself. He says this is for Zoey. It might be a little loud, so adjust your volume accordingly.