Wednesday, February 4, 2009

4 years & 8 Months!!!

Let me first start off by saying, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUSTUS"!!! My big boy is now 4!!! What a day we had. We went to Bible study, then McDonalds for lunch, came home and played, then when Daddy got home we opened presents, then had pizza, played some and then did cupcakes. We are having a party for him on Sat. at Chuck E Cheese. The phone was ringing off the hook today for him. At one point as I was handing him the phone for someone else to wish him a Happy Birthday, he says to me, " but mom, people have been calling me all day" my reply was, " well honey it is your special day" he sighs and says, " ok" as he takes the phone. He did have a
great day we had though!

As for the 8 Months, that would be Christian. Tomorrow he will be 8 months!!! They are growing like weeds!!! He is now sitting by himself, has 6 teeth ( 4 top and 2 bottom) and is really trying to crawl. Here are some pics.


Janice said...

I'm sorry we missed you while you were here. Your boys are so cute.

Heidi said...

Wow! Christian looks like a giant! What percentile is he now?!

And Happy Happy B-day JT! Yep I was one of the many annoying callers...sorry JT but I love ya!

Kisses & Hugs to the boys
Miss you guys already