Monday, December 15, 2008

Baptisms, Biter Biscuits and 6 Months!!!

Boy, What a busy month! Yesterday we had the boys Baptised! JT laughed and Christian just went with it. We also became members of the church that we have been going to for 9 months or so. We really like it and all the people are so nice and inviting. Our Pastor (Kevin) is the one Baptising the boys and his wife Liz is standing next to me. They have been so helpful to us. They took JT over night while I was at the hospital having Christian. And Liz watched JT for us many Wednesdays in a row, so we could attend our Membership class. Many thanks to them both!!!

And here are some pictures of Christian 1st Biter Biscuit. Boy did he devour it! And what a mess too!

And now for the 6 months pictures only a little over a week late...

I take him in this Wednesday the 17th for his 6th Month Check-up. I can't wait!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Wow! He is getting so big! & look at those chubby cheeks! I can't wait to meet you Christian :) I love you!